One of the 40 semi-finalists at the DARPA Grand Challenge is Team Banazi and their entry is a car powered by Mac OS X. Pretty neat for a desktop OS, eh?
Author Archives: Kunal
People show up at amazing places
I had this smart line figured out but I can’t recall it right now. The author calls it “Flickr Synchronicity” so I’ll let that be I guess.
I finally met DeWitt for the first time today, at our building’s rooftop party for the Haight Street Fair. It was pretty crazy sitting there on the roof talking to this guy whose weblog I had found through a Google search back when he lived on the other side of the country.
Read the complete original post to see what the fun is all about. I found it pretty “cool” to say the least (read that as “to use a cliche“). You can call it technology reaching places/ impacting our lives as we’d probably not expected 10 years back.
Top 10 downloads of the decade
CNET is featuring a list of the top 10 downloads of the decade since they opened for downloads in 1996. ICQ and Winamp at #1and 2 are no surprise, but Acrobat Reader at a “lowly” #10 is (atleast to me). I guess everyone doesn’t use PDFs (really?!!).
Firefox’s popularity is evident from the fact that it is at #4 already, less than two years after it’s debut. Two old favourites, Winzip and Real Player are at numbers 5 and 9, either side of 3 relatively new entrants. iTunes is up at no. 6 and the latest “hot app”, Skype, is at 8. Sandwiched between them is Ad-aware, which is a sad refelction of what the windows world is like.
The biggest surprise, of course, is the old Napster which finds itself at no. 3. Remember this is a software which hasn’t had a single copy downloaded for years. P2P at it’s earliest best. No wonder they decided to go after it and shut it down – it was that popular.