The Susie

Here’s an example of why Seinfeld rocks.

This is the transcript of the “teaser” before The Susie. (( Surprisingly I couldn’t find this transcript online. I guess when Stan the Caddy misses it, all the sites carrying “original” scripts do. I ended up typing it up myself.))

(George and Elaine riding in the back of a cab)

George: Hey, if I were a gigolo, how much do you think I could charge a night?
Elaine: Here, or in Japan?
George: What’s the difference?
Elaine: Well, the Japanese are more enlightened. They can see beyond the physical.
George: Forget Japan, how much would you pay?
Elaine: Oh, I don’t know. A dollar?
George: I think I am worth atleast 300.
Elaine (laughs): I don’t think so!
George: Hey, it’s for all night!
Elaine: I know!
George: You are demeaning me.
Elaine: You are a gigolo!
George: Well, you hired me. I am the victim here.
Elaine: Did I force you into this line?
George: Yes. You and every woman like you.

And that’s not even a Larry David. Well done Mr. David Mande.


Enough with the iPhone already

Less than a couple of hours till the most anticipated launch ever. Time to go to sleep and wake up to a plethora of “personal” reviews from the early adopters I’m sure.

My M600i fell down today and got a couple of minor scratches. I think someone wants me to get a new phone. :p

Here’s one for all the iPhone doubters and everyone who claims to be sick of all the “iPhone hype”.


via Lígia Rodrigues.