Fire Sale

Selling the following items, bought within the last year, all in mint condition with original bills, manuals etc.

Item Expected price (INR)
Sony Ericsson M600i 10,000 Sold
iPod 5.5G 80 GB 17,000
Sony PSP with one game 7,000

Prices are negotiable. If you need details, please feel free to contact me.

/Emotion v1.0

A set of AppleScripts for Adium that makes hard to remember emoticons, easy to use.

Feel like giving someone a “big hug” but don’t remember what to type and too lazy to find it in the list of emoticons? You are going to love this.

Just type /hug or use %_hug in the middle of any sentence and watch it being replaced by big hug when you press Enter.

This set works with all Yahoo Messenger emoticons documented as on date. For a complete list of emoticons and their corresponding commands, please visit this page.

Please visit the official page of /Emotion on the Adium Xtras site to install.

Since this set of scripts has been made with the Yahoo! Messenger emoticons as reference, it works best with the set of all Yahoo Messenger emoticons installed and activated.

Documentation for /Emotion v1.0

Old style New style Result Image Description
/happy %_happy 🙂 happy happy
/sad %_sad 🙁 sad sad
/wink %_wink 😉 winking winking
/grin %_grin 😀 big grin big grin
/bat %_bat ;;) batting eyelashes batting eyelashes
/hug %_hug >:Dtd> big hug big hug
/confused %_confused :-/ confused confused
/love %_love 😡 love struck love struck
/blush %_blush :”> blushing blushing
/tongue %_tongue 😛 tongue tongue
/kiss %_kiss :-* kiss kiss
/broken %_broken =(( broken heart broken heart
/surprise %_surprise :-O surprise surprise
/angry %_angry X( angry angry
/smug %_smug :> smug smug
/cool %_cool B-) cool cool
/worried %_worried :-S worried worried
/whew %_whew #:-S whew! whew!
/devil %_devil >:) devil devil
/cry %_cry :(( crying crying
/lol %_lol :)) laughing laughing
/straight %_straight 😐 straight face straight face
/raised %_raised /:) raised eyebrow raised eyebrow
/rotfl %_rotfl =)) rolling on the floor rolling on the floor
/angel %_angel O:-) angel angel
/nerd %_nerd :-B nerd nerd
/hand %_hand =; talk to the hand talk to the hand
/call %_call :-c call me call me
/phone %_phone :)] on the phone on the phone
/wit %_wit ~X( at wits' end at wits’ end
/wave %_wave :-h wave wave
/time %_time :-t time out time out
/dream %_dream 8-> daydreaming daydreaming
/sleepy %_sleepy I-) sleepy sleepy
/roll %_roll 8-| rolling eyes rolling eyes
/loser %_loser L-) loser loser
/sick %_sick :-& sick sick
/notell %_notell :-$ don't tell anyone don’t tell anyone
/notalk %_notalk [-( not talking not talking
/clown %_clown :O) clown clown
/silly %_silly 8-} silly silly
/party %_party <:-P> party party
/yawn %_yawn (:| yawn yawn
/drool %_drool =P~ drooling drooling
/think %_think 😕 thinking thinking
/duh %_duh #-o d'oh d’oh
/applause %_applause =D> applause applause
/nails %_nails :-SS nailbiting nailbiting
/hyp %_hyp @-) hypnotized hypnotized
/liar %_liar :^o liar liar
/waiting %_waiting :-w waiting waiting
/sigh %_sigh :-td> sigh sigh
/phb %_phb >:P phbbbbt phbbbbt
/cowboy %_cowboy <):)> cowboy cowboy
/puppy %_puppy :o3 puppy dog eyes puppy dog eyes
/dunno %_dunno :-?? I don't know I don’t know
/nolisten %_nolisten %-( not listening not listening
/pig %_pig :@) pig pig
/cow %_cow 3:-O cow cow
/monkey %_monkey :(|) monkey monkey
/chicken %_chicken ~:> chicken chicken
/rose %_rose @};- rose rose
/luck %_luck %%- good luck good luck
/sam %_sam **== flag flag
/pumpkin %_pumpkin (~~) pumpkin pumpkin
/coffee %_coffee ~o) coffee coffee
/idea %_idea *-:) idea idea
/skull %_skull 8-X skull skull
/bug %_bug =:) bug bug
/alien %_alien >-) alien alien
/frust %_frust :-L frustrated frustrated
/pray %_pray [-Otd> praying praying
/money %_money $-) money eyes money eyes
/whistle %_whistle :-“ whistling whistling
/beat %_beat b-( feeling beat up feeling beat up
/peace %_peace :)>- peace sign peace sign
/shame %_shame [-X shame on you shame on you
/dance %_dance :D/ dancing dancing
/bring %_bring >:/ bring it on bring it on
/hee %_hee ;)) hee hee hee hee
/chatter %_chatter :-@ chatterbox chatterbox
/bow %_bow ^:)^ not worthy not worthy
/goon %_goon :-j oh go on oh go on
/star %_star (*) star star
/hiro %_hiro o-> hiro hiro
/billy %_billy o=> billy billy
/april %_april o-+ april april
/yin %_yin (%) yin yang yin yang

More information on /Emotion.
To Install /Emotion please visit this page.