From the sublime to the ridiculous

Steve jobs telling the world why the iPhone would be a “closed” platform:

Cingular doesn’t want to see their West Coast network go down because some application messed up.

I know we love you Steve, but an application “bringing the network down”?!! Come on! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. A simple “I-like-to control-my-eco-systems” would have been enough.

Well, it could have only gone downhill after that kind of a start. Let’s wait and watch as more details emerge.

I can breathe now, thanks for asking

After the hysteria of my previous post (that is why I try not to post in the immediate aftermath of an event), I am happy to report that I have calmed down sufficiently now to write without sounding like a 12 year old.

Not that I think any different of the phone itself though – I still think it’s going to be as groundbreaking as the Macintosh and the iPod (to quote Steve himself). Check out this video over at YouTube for more on the user interface. I haven’t watched that video myself yet – YouTube seems ridiculously slow right now.

I am yet to see the keynote in full either – only bits of it on the news. It must have been great, considering Steve had this great new toy to show off and we all know what a showman he can be. “Scrolls like butter”, anyone? (I heard he said “Not quite like butter” regarding the iPhone – LOL!).

The “subdued” keynote at WWDC 2006 is well and truly history now I guess and from what I read Steve is back at the top of his game. You should really watch one of his keynotes (except the WWDC 2006 one like I said) if you have never seen him in action – it’s a lesson in public speaking/ presentation. This is the guy who had audiences drooling over something as “dumb” as the iPod shuffle – suddenly having no screen was a *feature* and did everyone buy it (pun intended) or what?!!

Of course, some “experts” say, that the fact that he didn’t really have anything new “in hand” at the WWDC was a factor in the less-than-inspiring performance. Steve and Apple hate to pre-announce – infact the only time in recent times that Apple have pre-announced anything (the iTV as it as called then) was at the WWDC last year – go figure. In any case, WWDC is a developer’s conference, not a consumer show like MacWorld, so we shouldn’t be expecting any big fancy stuff at the WWDC in the first place. I guess Steve has spoiled us over the years by giving two stellar keynotes a year, every year, so anything else is a big disappointment.

Anyways, I hope to get my bi-annual dose of the reality distortion field sometime tomorrow and maybe catch a movie or two as well. You too have a nice weekend.


All the rumors and hype in the world couldn’t have prepared you for this. You need to see it in action to believe how so far beyond huge this thing is going to be.

Trust me, you ain’t seen anything like this before.

All the little leaks and cues from the past couple of years fall into place now – from the patents to Google’s CEO joining Apple’s board and of course the teaser Apple posted on their site New Year’s day.

Holy smoke! With a start like this, I can’t even begin to imagine what’s in store for us in the next 30 years.